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What type of cheese is Caciocavello?


Caciocavello means “cheese on horseback” and one theory is that the cheeses which are tied in pairs and hung over poles to cure look as though they were hung over a saddle. If the cheese is to be eaten straight, it is matured for 2 to 4 months, but if it is to be used for grating and cooking, it needs to be aged for up to 12 months. When young, the cheese is a mild, delicate eating cheese and when it is matured, it is a piquant spicy grating cheese. It keeps and travels well.



1/26/2008 5:07:55 PM
Betty said:

I had this cheese for the first time at the Borgata in Atlantic City at Luke Paladino's restaurant Specchio's (They sell the cheese at his other restaurant there, The Ombra. It was sauteed (I guess) with garlic, mint and sambuca, then lit aflame. I never liked sambuca before, but the strength of the cheese plus the toastiness of the garlic and the hint of mint was OUTSTANDING!! At first I thought , "I'm not going to eat all of this fattening cheese, but omg, I could not stop eating it!! Wonderful cheese.


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